1. Mix up the rub in a small bowl. I used my fingers to break up the lumps of the cornstarch as much as I could.
2. Set one pork chop in the bowl, flip it over, and rub the rub mixture into it. Shake off the excess, put it on a platter, and work through the rest of the chops in the same manner. Reserve any of the rub for later, when you're making the gravy.
3. Place the butter, and the oil in a Teflon pan, and heat to medium. Place 2 or 3 chops in the pan at a time, and fry until they're browned. it should take about 5 minutes per side. If it doesn't, you've got the pan too high, and the chops will end up burning.
Ron's Note:
Using the cornstarch helps to form a bit of a crust on the outside of the chops. It's so thin, you'll never know that it's there, after it's been cooked.
4. While the chops are frying, you can mix up the sauce. I used a fork because it helped to break up the canned cranberry sauce.
5. As the chops cook, set them on a platter while you're frying all of them.
Clean out the pan, and place about 1/3 of the sauce in the bottom.
6. Layer the chops back into the pan, and drizzle the rest of the sauce on top. Cover and cook at a simmer for 45 minutes, or, until their internal temperature is 145 degrees when taken with an instant read meat thermometer.
Take them out of the pan, when they're done, and let them rest for 15 minutes while you make the gravy.
Ron's Note:
If your lid isn't high enough, you can use aluminum foil as I did.
7. Add water to the reserved rub, to make a "flavored" cornstarch slurry. Bring any liquid that's left in the pan to a simmer, and add the slurry to it while stirring. Add only 1 tablespoon of the slurry at a time, or you'll end up thickening it too much. If you do over thicken the gravy, just add any fruit juice or water to thin it back down again.